A CEO’s guide to building a truly customer focused B2B SaaS company

Are you struggling to acquire, retain and grow customers?

Is your marketing and sales messaging not converting into business?

Is your great product not having the impact you know it can?

Whilst immensely challenging to build, a B2B SaaS company is simple in concept. First, figure out how your product uniquely solves an important problem for your chosen customers and how the key people you sell to and serve measure the results it delivers.

These pain/gain points and the associated measurable results your product delivers form the core of your value proposition. That is what marketing communicates; what sales sell; what your product delivers and what others enable. They are the red thread that connects your entire go-to-market capability.

Customer-Led Growth shares proven approaches to building the company-wide capabilities that deliver the measurable results for customers, on which your revenue growth is founded.


What people are saying about Customer-Led Growth

“The best book on Customer Success I have read.”

Shreesha Ramdas, Serial entrepreneur, General Manager Strikedeck by Medallia

“David Jackson has added a gem to the collection with this insightful book. I always enjoy David’s view of the world because he’s actually gotten his hands dirty on this topic and is never afraid to challenge the status quo. Definitely a valuable read.”

Dan Steinman, Chief Evangelist, Gainsight

“In Customer-Led Growth, Dave challenges business leaders to think differently about customer centricity, dismantling commonly held assumptions about customer success and laying out a blueprint for true customer centricity. This is a must read for any founder or CEO who is serious about scaling sustainably and delivering true customer success.”

Alex Farmer, CEO, Customer Success Excellence

“If you aspire to be truly customer focused this book is a must read.”

Dave Duke, Co-Founder and Chief Customer Officer, MetaCX

“This book provides a comprehensive, principles-first overview of building a customer-first company. While the obvious audience is CEOs, anyone on the executive team will gain insight and value from this thinking to improve their org culture and design. A great read (and re-read)!

Chris Hicken, Founder and CEO, Nuffsaid

“If your’e a SaaS CEO you need to read this book, in fact you need to read this book if you are not a SaaS CEO but you are interested in making your organisation more customer focused. Dave injects new thinking into organisation design and value delivery as well as introducing some new, and sometimes radical thinking. This book will challenge what you think you already know!”

Chris Mitchell, Chief Operating Officer, Intrado

Principles of Customer-Led Growth: The core of the book

Customer success is a financial strategy

A focus on measurable results across the customer lifecycle drives growth and productivity. CLTV:CAC is the number to watch.

Success by design

It doesn’t happen by accident. Rather it is an intentional act to define and build the vision, values, value proposition and key frameworks. The CEO is the Chief Organisation Designer, and it’s not about org charts!.

People not customers

People, the key roles you sell to and serve, are what you must focus on, not the faceless entity called a company.

Build a deep understanding of value

Understanding your chosen customers better than the competition is a source of competitive advantage. Go deep or go home!

Success is selling

Measurable results for customers drive new business, retention and expansion revenue. It’s what you need to communicate, sell and enable.

Their choice, not yours

Simplistic approaches to customer journeys and segmentation impose a suppliers view of the world on customers that have their own plans, goals and journeys. Get on their agenda.

Code scales better than people

B2B SaaS businesses are primarily product businesses. Product-based value enablement addresses customers’ increasing demand for great digital first options and scales logarithmically.

About David

In August 2000, well before the term ‘SaaS’ was invented, David founded Clicktools, one of the UK’s first true SaaS companies. As CEO, he bootstrapped the company’s growth and led it through two liquidity events. In 2010, he sold 49.9% to Survey Monkey and in 2014 managed a transaction to sell 100% to Callidus.

Clicktools growth was founded on David’s passionate and deep seated recognition of the importance of customers to a successful business: a thread that has run through his eclectic career. He now harnesses that passion and experience to coach B2B SaaS CEOs on building company-wide capabilities that deliver measurable results for customers and growth for his clients.

Learn more about David’s ideas and work at www.thecustomer.co.

In his (limited) spare time, David enjoys time with his wife, three grown-up children and five grandchildren, especially where fun is combined with good food and wine. He loves to travel when, occasionally, he tries his hand at water colour painting at which he still needs much practice!